

Journal ofEarth Science and Engineering 2(2012)418-429

Semiautomated OOA Map of M orphocllrnatic ‘ ●■ ‘

frOm S百O Jo ̄o--MG River Basin,Brazil

Evandro Klen Panquestor1

Ra61 Sanchez Vicens and Maria Luisa Pimenta Fonseca

.Favale Geography Department,University ofState ofMinas Gerais,Carangola 36830000,Brazil

2.Geography Department,University Federal Fluminense,Niter6i 2421 0340,Brazil

3.Geography Deptartment,University Federal ofRio de Janeiro,Rio de Janeiro 21941972,Brazil

Received:May 2O,2012/Accepted:June 27,2012/Published:July 20,2012


Abstract:This study proposes a survey of environmental information by applying techniques of modeling,image segmentation and

00A(object・oriented analysis1 in the definition of landscape units based on morphoclimatic atributes.Landscape attributes such as

climate and relief(morphoclimatic1 were selected to start the characterization of the Sao Joao—MG river basin,located in

southeastern region Brazil.The semiautomated mapping was produced from data extracted,respectively,of the DEM Aster ̄and

Topodata,and grid Worldclim.This database was processed and scaled to l:1 00,000 scale,generating a geomorphological

classification,according to criteria of IPT(Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas),two climatic classifications,the one by the

methodology of Koppen and the other one by methodology Thornthwaite&Mather and a classification of land use.The thematic

maps were associated in GIS with a geological base.soil vector.defining landscape units.

Key words:Attributes of landscape,object-oriented analysis,semiautomated map


’l’he semiautomated method is an ettective

procedure as a subsidy to landscape planning maps.

This method is efficiency by enabling the application

of thresholds in the establishment of classes and the

definition of landscape units.

The classification in regions by means of

instruments segmentation and OOA robject—oriented

analysis)is a procedure better than the traditional

pixel-by—pixe1.Previous segmentation allows the

definition provided for the classification of regions

according to criteria to be defined by the researcher.

1.1 Landscape Units

Landscapes are complex natural systems,which

occur very second interactions between natural and

CorrespOnding author:Evandro Klen Panquestor,Ph.D.,

titular professor,main research fields:landscape environmental

and cultural diagnosis,land use planning and mapping


anthropogenic components(attributes) in the

geographical area.They cover areas with specific

characteristics(homogeneous),but heterogeneous

with respect to the neighborhood【1].

The landscape is defined as an interrelated set of

natural formations and socioeconomics.The landscape

can be considered as a system that contains resources,

ways of life and human activitys as a natural

laboratory and a source of aesthetic perceptions for

different societies according to their cultures and ways

of representing the landscape[2].

The landscape can be understood as

social—economic system:designed as a living area

where human society,featuring an ambient spatial

relation that has existential significance for society,

composed of a specific functional capacity for the

development of economic activities.

In a way,it is a concept analogous to the social

space, system social, ecological or territorial

productive complex,involving as system-level natural

~ {8 ~

Semiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclimatic Attributes from Sao Joao--MG River Basin,Brazil 419

formations and social,and is used primarily by human

geography and other disciplines eminently socia1.

Understanding the interaction between society and

nature aims at obtaining a set of information prepared

and organized to contribute in the development of

environmental planning and land use.

The landscape planning is defined as an instrument

of territorial planning,with a legal basis for the

realization of the goals of nature protection and care

of the landscape in places with or without human

occupation[3 1.

The scientific procedure of regionalization is to

determine the system of territorial division of spatial

units of any type(administrative,economic,natural,

etc.).The natural regionalization Covers all types of

regionalization of complex components and the

geographical dimension(regional climate,edaphic,


These information products are accompanied by

text and thematic maps with technical—scientific

content of an interdisciplinary nature.The correlation

of integrated information results in the identification

of landscape units.

The climate through its elements contributes to the

weathering process and modulations of 1and forms.

Influences in the pedogenesis and interferes in the

proce后赤壁赋苏轼原文及翻译 ss of colonization of the vegetation.The

knowledge of their types in the planning process helps

to guide the use and occupation of land in different


According to climatologists,it is possible to define

areas where the climate is relatively uniforill across

diverse landscapes[5】.This region is commonly

known as climatic region.In this case,the

classification of climatic types and their mapping

procedures are required in the description of

landscapes contained in these regions.

The landscape units are territorial areas that keep

some degree of physiognomic homogeneity,reflecting

the natural flows of energy and matter between the

components and inserts by means of human economic

activities throughout history.The homogeneity is

given by the elements that reveal visual patterns such

as relief,vegetation and land use.

The relief forms may be facilitative or

restrictive processes of land occupation,the territorial

arrangement of landscapes and production.Its

characteristics are important for the definition of

urban and rural infrastructure best suited to production

systems in different landscape units【6].The relie ̄in

its forms,reveals the endogenous and exogenous

process,which definition of the different landscape


The classification of the landscape should reflect

the level of state territory and simultaneously,the

degree of spatial differentiation.The different

arrangements attributes of the landscape for the

formation of units with specific characteristics,in

particular from the attributes climate and


In this study.the term“morphoclimatic”is used to

define attributes which relief features and

climatic—hydrologic conditions result in a set space in

a territorial order of magnitude.In addition to these

attributes can be associated with soil types and

vegetation specific【7].

The identification of the different landscape units

contributes to the delineation of the different

compartments of nature,which are associated with

various forms of land uses undertaken by the society,

as in Silo Joho River Basin--MG,Brazil(Fig.1).

The study river basin covers an area of 492 km ,

including with n its limits four counties in the state of

Minas Gerais:Alto Capara6,Capara6,Espera Feliz and

Caiana with population estimates 3 8.62 1 inhabitants for

the year 20ll from the Census of20l0[8].

The SAo JO萏o-一MG River Basin is formed by the

relationship between different natural elements,such

as climate,topography,soil,geology,which form

different combinations landscaping.The type of land

use also influences to further diversify existing

landscapes in the study area.

420 Semiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclimatic Attributes from Sio Joio--MG River Basin,Brazil

The relationship between relief mountainous,the

tropical climate of altitude,the Atlantic Forest biome

and the occupation process characterized by the use of

monocultures and livest0ck over the centuries XVIII

to XXI resulted in a mosaic landscape structure.

The general objective of this study was to delineate

landscape units in the river basin of the S百o

Jo螽。一MG(Fig.1)by means of morphoclimatic

(climate and relief)attributes.The specific objectives

were:to classify the types of climate according to the

methodologies proposed by K6ppen 【9] and

Thornthwaite&Mather[1 0】and classify the types of

reliefin accordance with the proposal ofIPT[1 1].

』.2 The Semiautomated Mapping

The geographic information systems are now

widely used in most European countries and USA and

its use is expanding in countries such as Brazil,as a

means of boosting the processing of spatial

information and training database.

The use of GIS in planning CROSS the landscape is

evident.The methods of processing geographic

information are suitable to support all different

planning tasks,as regards the detection of the actual

situation and a flexible combination of different data

layers.Furthermore,there are the extensive

possibilities for display and output data compared to

manual processing.

The application of procedures aimed at obtaining

thematic maps from a structured database leads to a

faster identification of landscape units according to

the thresholds for the selected attributes.

Fig.1 S磊O Joio River Basin--MG.Brazil.

Sereiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclimatic Attributes from SaO JOaO——MG River Basin-Brazil 42 1

However,using a larger amount of information and

greater spatial resolution,confusing maps tend to be

generated through the methods of classification—pixe1.So it need to change about the

procedures used.The general idea is approaching the

object.orientation to a problem, applying the

techniques of classification by division or grouping


The procedure based on segmentation and

delineation of regions in terms of average data(or

variance,size,shape and texture)reflectance or

radiance brings new possibilities and better mapping


3 The DevelopmentStudy

The study was conducted in two well defined steps

which were also divided in this article.Initially the

classes were established according to the climatic

classification of K6ppen and Thomthwaite&Mather.

Then there is the definition of geomorphologic units

in accordance with criteria established by IPT.

Associated with geomorphologic mapping is the

mapping climate seconds Thomthwaite&Mather,

considered more appropriate where the procedure is

made between the hierarchies of objects.

2.Methodology and Results

Image segmentation is a computational procedure

applied before a classification algorithm.

Segmentation allows you to divide the image into

spectrally homogeneous regions.In these samples can

be set for applying a classification algorithm


In the application of segmentation,they are

generally set two thresholds:similarity and area.In

this study,the authors chose the threshold of similarity,

in which below the value established two regions are

considered similar and grouped into a single region


To explore the data, it was decided to

object oriented classification.This is a classification

based on multiresolution segmentation,hierarchical

networks,fuzzy membership functions(fuzzy logic or

fuzzy),as well as elements of cognition.

In this approach,the authors use the concept of

object.because it is considered that the semantic

information necessary to analyze the image which is

not found in the pixel,but the image obj ects and

relations between them.

On this basis it was decided to use the application

eCognition ̄[1 5],which enable the construction of

thematic maps from procedures such as segmentation

and object.oriented analysis.There were operators

that contribute to the definition of classes and

identification of landscape units.

In this study the classification algorithm allows the

inclusion of multiple combinations made by logical

operators,using the fuzzy membership functions for

the thresholds【1 6].Fuzzy logic 过华清宫绝句 is characterized as the

ab川tV to handle intermediate values between 0 and 1,

defining for each object a set of degrees of


It possible to extract their semantic analysis,from a

database which allows the establishment of

relationships between different variables called

objects.These objects are 1isted according to the

supervised classification in which its attributes are

automatically compared and correlated.

This comparison and correlation allow the

establishment of classes within hierarchical networks,

occurring interdependence between the involved

objects according to attributes(keys)entered by the

researcher.There are conditions to be established

classes and their redefnitions new classes

hierarchically dependent.

So,these keys of interpretation contribute for both

aspects to the geomorphologic and climatic.Research

data sources such as rankings of KOppen and

Thornthwaite&Matter,and geOmOrphOlOgic mapping

of the IPT allowed the definition of intervals or keys

to the interpretation of the phenomena studied

The contextual information was extracted from the

422 Semiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclima中秋节的真正来历50字 tic Attributes from S百O Jo ̄o--MG River Basin,Brazil

database climatic and geomorphologic could be

described in a semantic context that allowed grouping

the semantic classes which have similar

characteristics.and in a spatial context in which

neighboring entities are organized in a tree with the

vertical direction.

The overriding objective of any classification

system climate is to obtain an efficient arrangement of

information in a simplified and generalized.The

climatic classification is intended to provide a

framework for the emcient organization of climatic

data and the understanding of the complex variations

in climate in the world.

Through the climatic classification,the details and

complexities of monthly and seasonal statistics are

condensed into simpler forms,making it easily

understood.The classification is performed in order to

simplify,clarify and understand the weather patterns

at different scales.

Mapping climate has been drawn from the grid

Worldclim,which represents data interpolated to 1 km

pixels value of resolution【1 7].The data were scaled

to obtain an approximate map scale of l:1 00.000.The

spline method was used in the application ArcGIS ̄


2. The KOppen Climate Classification

The climatic classifications can follow two

approaches:genetic or empirica1.The genetic

approach is based on the climate controls,such as the

factors that determine or cause the different climates.

The ratings are based on empirical elements

themselves or observed climatic effects on other

phenomena such as vegetation and humans.In this

study the authors chose to use classifications that

value the interaction among the climate,vegetation,

topography and society.

Then the empiricaI models for classification of

K6ppen and Thornthwite&Mather were applied.The

model of K6ppen is relatively simple and quite

popular.It takes into account when considering the

effective rainfall in the hot and cold ramy seasons


Another advantage of the K6ppen classification

relates to the use of numerical values to define the

limits.The early availability of the database on the

values of temperature and precipitation allows other

researchers to question the validity of particular limits,

and updated as the more reliable data become

available,such as model Worldclim.

The main limitation of the classification of K6ppen,

despite their widespread use is the lack of rationale in

selecting the values of temperatures and rainfall for

different climate zones. For this classification

interpolated data were processed using ArcGIS ̄

raster calculator tool to extract the following

information:(1)temperature of the warmest month

and the coldest month,(2)average rainfall of the

driest month and yearly tota1.

Depending on the rainfall below 2,500 mm per year

and the temperature is between 1 8。C and一3。C,the

climate was classified as C(mesothermal-subtropica1).

Three classes were identified.Their descriptors and

thresholds are in Table 1.

The segmentation for interpolated climate data was

performed with the scale parameter value 1 00 in the

application eCognition ̄.The same value was used

for the next climatologic classification.

The previous map(Fig.2)shows the predominance

of Cwb class(medium humidity)in relief of hills and

Cwa(intermediate and higher temperature)in relief of

lower altitude.The Cfb climate iS limited to

medium.sized mountains are characterized by

concentration of rain.

2.2 Classification ofClimate Thornthwaite&Mather

The approach of Thornthwaite climate classification

was considered useful in various fields such as

ecology,agriculture and water resources development.

This is a classification based on the concept of

potential evapotranspiration,the water balance and

mo sture content.

424 Semiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclimatic Attributes frOm Sao Joio--MG River Basin,Brazil

In order to establish the type of classification 1t was

necessary to make the water balance of the study area.

The data obtained were interpolated to the grid

Worldclim new scale(1:1 00,000).

The raster calculator tool was used along with map

algebra in order to obtain the following data:potential

and actual evapotranspiration,accumulated negative,

and rate of storage.

From these data have been established the TEI

(thermal efficiency index) and EHI(effective

humidity index).The classes identified in Table 2.

The map(Fig.3)shows the predominance of

subtropical B’1 B’3 class(medium humidity)in relief

of hills and subtropical B’1 B’4(intermediate and

higher temperature)in relief of lower altitude.The

subtropical B’1 A’is a class climate limited to

medium.sized mountains.This class is characterized

by concentration of rain and low temperature.

The classifications of K6ppen and Thornthwaite

are considered by the empirical use of descriptive

numerical data.The criticism is that the first

classification concerns the manner of obtaining such

data.The numerical grid Worldclim expanded access

to these data(precipitation,temperature and

bioclimatic)for greater accuracy.

K6ppen developed a simple and practical

methodology to be applied. In the case of

Thornthwaite&Mather the search for greater

precision and based on water balance requires greater

accuracy.In practical terms,it demands more

operations, but contributes to ecological and

agricultural studies(including the territoria1)given to

consideration of evapotranspiration and moisture data.

The first classification also showed greater accuracy

Table 2 Thornthwaite&Mather classification.

in relation to topography and its forms.The

differences in topography,especially the tops,were

well delineated.In the second method,there was no

strong correction,though still present.

The OOA robject—oriented analysis) used a

methodology that contributed to the database could be

processed in fuzzy logic with interpretive keys(key

words specific to each classification).

By allowing a small degree of variation in the

determination of classes,the fuzzy logic approach

contributes to the natural phenomena.The climatic

classitication of Thornthwaite&Mather could better

express the relationship between altimetry and thermal

variation.Thus,the hierarchy was established between

the three climatic types and identified six types of


2.3 Geomorphologic Classification

The multiresolution segmentation allows

segmenting images into hierarchical levels(scales)

that relate to each other,forming a hierarchical

network and knowledge base for the classification of

objects,opening new perspectives of application of

automatic classification in geomorphology.

The geomorphologic classification was made from

data extracted from Aster DEM ̄[20]subsequently

corrected with the DEM Topod ̄a[2 1]scale of

1:1 00,000.The data used were slope,hillshade and

topography,which were combined to the software

eCognition ̄.

The authors generated maps of slope and shading,

which were used together in applications.The

thresholds were set according to the definition of IPT.

Thus,from two segmentations 1 00 and 200,classes

428 Semiautomated OOA Map of Morphoclimatic Attributes from Sio Joio--MG River Basin,Brazil

Fig.5 depicts the process used in the hierarchy of

classes and subclasses.Started from the weather as

arge classes in which the data were related to relief

from the second annotated bibliography described

previously entered.

This hierarchical process was used for classification

of landscape units and beRer definition for studies of

land use.The next map shows this hierarchy.There

are other combinations of attributes and data that can

be used to refine the results obtained.

From an initial mode results obtained allow the

visualization of possible combinations between the

types of climate according to Thornthwaite&Matter

proposed classification and geomorphic studies

conducted from the IPT.Thus results in the definition

of regions that can best be defined as units of

landscape and planning units.

In Fig.6.there is a distribution Of 1 7 landscape

units identified from the relationship between climate

and topography in the SaO JO鑫O River Basin.This

study did not require further action other than those

mentioned descriptors due to reasonable identification

of classes.


From this procedure were defined combinations of

1 7 types of terrain and climate types.These units

constitute the basis for the future integration of

geological,soil and land use configuration in order for

the territorial units.

Furthermore,the utilization of fuzzy logical and the

Definiens eCognition ̄bring new possibilit霹雳布袋戏 ies to the

segmentation and multiresolution detection regions for

subsequent classification.The final products(thematic

maps)were produced and give more this technology

than the classification pixel—by—pixe1.

The multiresolution segmentation was adequate for

a small study area facilitating the delineation of

regions for the classification of geomorphologic and

climatic types.It is therefore a suitable methodology

for this scale study.

The landscape units found may be divided using a

larger number of descriptors or through manual

intervention compared with the actually achieved in

visits to these units.In any case,the procedure was

especially effective because it allows the production

of maps current scale does not exist for the basin of

the S萏o Joao River.

Numerical data processed and spatial are also

valuable in order to generate other maps that may

contribute to the managemen消耗的意思 t of the study area.This

is a watershed in which rural development should be

encouraged beyond the activities currently performed.


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