ΥISHUN SECONDARY SCHOOL9J\'1:∵s氵卩P攵END OF YEAR EⅩ,【J\'1?SεrrrA卜】INATI0N2010Na1Flc∶∶CIass∶SEC1EXPRESSDate:60CTOBER2θ10pv1ATHER/IATICSPAPER2Duradon:1hours30IninR汪AX RIARKS:60READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST:V¢hte your name,rcgistc「nulllbcr and class in thc spaccs providcd at thc top ofthis pagc~、Vritc in dark bluc Or black pcnYou rnay usc a pcncⅡ lor any diagrams Or graphsAns、IfwOrking is nccded br any qucstion it must bc shOˇ^/cr all questjOns-Vith thc ans、ver~O∏1ission Of csscntial xx`Orking、v\"l rcsuh in loss Ofrnafks~`n、You arc cxpcctcd to tlsc a sCiCntiflc calculator to cvaluatc cxplicit nulnc「ical cxprcssions~1fthc dcgrcc ofaccu1ˉacy is nOt spcci丘cd in thc qucstion,and ifthc ans、vcris not cxact,息:vc thC ans、λ/crto tlrcc signiflcant【lgurcs~Givc ans、vcrs in dcgrccs to onc dccinlal /T,usc cithcr your calculator valuc Or3 142,unlcss thc qucs1ion rcquircs thc ans、vcrin tcm〕sof tThc numbc「ofmarks is givcn in brackcts[ ]atthC cnd ofcach qucstion Or pa【i tOtal nu】ubcr OfmarksJOr this papcris60~This document consists of 11 pHnted pagcs including the cover page[Tum Over]?<(t】)「t1ctoIisc 12}
丬 ~尢rE(b)C)ivcll tha1rt,=2`f,=-3and
ε=O~tlnd thc vaIuc of2夕3_/,21\'3夕c/冫1sWg厂 (a) [l|(b) [I]4.〓〓
....(i)(ii)Plot A,B,and C on the diagra1n。Given that ABCD is a fhombus,plot point D on the diagra1u and wnted。wnits coordinates in the ans`氵er space below.1厂[3]\'4刀swc\'[2]33平6 (a)
。丁hc tc111pe1-aturc at tllc bOttoIl〕of′a nlOu11tain is27°C
Λttllc pcak OftIlc Rlc)廴lllt(1i tclllpc「aturc is~12°C~``ccn thc t、(i) FiI1d thc diff辶rencc bet、、`O tcl【lpcraturcs~ll【lCI:1t匕(ii) GiⅤCn tllat`l〕elc is cO11stant deGrcasc in tcmperaturc as we111Ovc up tllclnountai11,and that thc hcig11t Oftl)cI11ot)ntaiF1is25kn1,rlnd1hc tc【rcwhcn wct△Ie at a hciJ刂of1.2bl1~(b)
毛vaIuatc10_(l12—1.43)+I2×(-7),showi11g your w(丫king clearly″5vv召\'ζ\' (ai)
°C [【I(aⅡ)
°C [2](b)[2【58 I)tl]`l刂tl、tilc=ShOp/t∶t∴辶t12(j 1)∶k)lc“idC(ii、c()t|nt
λIl`I{lcob l)tl{亠{,11On∶l)tltC〗 l∶|】( atS1589ShOp
Λ(d) I’illd (i) {llc()ligillal l)ricc t){thc ConlputcI∷(b) If ShOp A dccidcsto givc a hHllcr l()%)discou11t On thc cuⅡcI1ts(tlc phcc.Ⅱ∴∷∶(ii) 1hct】111ount of C;SIˉtIlt11pv11JacOb paid~givcll that(lS1 ij f∷total alllOul〕tc)f discouI)t~/刀sw召r (西) $[2](缸OS[2](b) S[3]7lO\'∷I∶′^^ˉ^\'
I I1Ⅱ∶ˉ′ˇ′〓J\'I\'\'ˉ
′′∷\'ˉ`十\'F1:1 Fi∶12Fi黑三The tab1c sbo、vs the fIrst thrcc of a ser1cs of flguresmade up ofInatchsticks⑴(ii)(iii)(iv)FiRure0∠l3Nulnbcr ofmatchsticks6ll16Draw the pa汪cm for FiE”rc4~Find the numbcr ofFnatchsticks nceded in Figurc5~、Vhte dO、vn an expression,in te∏ηs Of冫z,for the number ofrnatchsticks nccdcd堂orFigure″~Figurc攵has101∶ll a丈 thc valuc of虍./Izs1o/e厂(Ⅱ)(iii)CvJLfn12 /廴ns、Ⅴer thc、vhOIe of1his questiOn t):l a piccc Of graI)h【)aI〕 a mcc)Ah runstow盯ds a6nislli】lg linc at a constar)t sl)CCd y(mk’trcs)is tI〕c dis1anc`bctwecn\'`li and thc3nisI1i11g liI〕c~ At tirllc r seconds,thc distance bct△xrccn虍c6nislling lillc is givcn bv y二-5r+100∫`li al〕d tl∶or valucs ofr fi On10tO I5~(a) BeloⅥ氵SllOws dlc tabIc k)1
【广=~5r+100^Find the valuc of`【11y=-5r+100(b)tJsing a scaIc of1 cm tO l unit on the r-axis fOr 0二f兰15and2cm to 10unitsthc y-axis for fl兰y兰10l^l,draw tI〕c grapl1of y=-5F+100on the graph papcf[3](cl From your gralJl〕,whtc down(i) the dis佗nce befwecn Ah and thc3nishing linc aacr7sec,[l](ii) thC time takcn for AIitO run40m.[l](d)(i)State the total distancc ofthc race.[l](h)If Ah flnishcd the race in 17seconds, fIndthe avcragc spccd that Ilc
、vasmnning forthc last2seconds ofthc racc~[2]£Par。r%`召/△