1 Pigeonhole Principle: Simple form Theorem 1.1. If n +1 objects are
put into n boxes, then at least one box contains two or more
Proof. Trivial.
Example 1.1. Among 13 people there are two who have their birthdays
in the same month.
nn.2. There are married couples. How many of the 2 people must be
selected in Example 1
order to guarantee that one has selected a married couple? Other
principles related to the pigeonhole principle:
nn objects are put into boxes and no box is empty, then each box
contains exactly one , If
nn, If objects are put into boxes and no box gets more than one
object, then each box has
an object.
The abstract formulation of the three principles: Let and be finite
sets and let YX
fXY:,be a function.
, If has more elements than , then f is not one-to-one. YX
, If and have the same number of elements and f is onto, then f is
one-to-one. YX , If and have the same number of elements and f is one-to-one, then
f is onto. YX
Example 1.3. In any group of n people there are at least two persons
having the same number
xxfriends. (It is assumed that if a person is a friend of then is
also a friend of .) yy
xProof. The number of friends of a person is an integer with . If
there is a 01,,,knk
person whose number of friends is , then everyone is a friend of ,
that is, no one has yyn,1
aaa,,,0 friend. This means that 0 and can not be simultaneously the
numbers of kkk1211,,n
friends of some people in the group. The pigeonhole principle tells
us that there are at least two
people having the same number of friends.
aaa,,,n integers , not necessarily distinct, there exist integers
Example 1.4. Given k12n
nand with < such that the sum is a multiple of . 0,kll,n
nProof. Consider the integers
aaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,, 11212312n nDividing these integers by , we have
aaaqnr,,,,,,01,,,rnin,1,2, , 12iiii
rrr,,,r,0aaa,,,If one of the remainders is zero, say, , then is a
multiple 12nk12k
rrr,,,11,,,rnnof . If none of is zero, then two of them must the
same (since for 12ni
rr,aaa,,,all ), say, with < . This means that the two integers
and kliki12k
aaa,,,aaa,,, have the same remainder. Thus is a multiple of n.
Example 1.5. A chess master who has 11 weeks to prepare for a
tournament decides to play at least one game every day but, in order not
to tire himself, he decides not to play more than 12 games during any
calendar week.
Show that there exists a succession of consecutive days during which
the chess master will have played exactly 21
games. aa be the number of games played on the first day, the total number
of games Proof. Let 12
a the total number games played on the first, second, and played on
the first and second days, 3
third days, and son. Since at least one game is played each day, the
sequence of
,,aaaaaanumbers, is strictly increasing, that is, < < < . 77121277
a,1Moreover, and since at most 12 games are played during any one
week, 1
a,,,1211132 Thus 77
aaa< < < . 1,,1321277
aaa,,,21,21,,21Note that the sequence is also strictly increasing,
and 1277
a,21a,21a,21<<< 22,,,,1
Now consider the 154 numbers
,,aaaa,,,21,21,,21aa,,; 77127712 each of them is between 1 and 153. It follows that two of them must
be equal. Since
,,aaaa,,,21,21,,21aa,are distinct and are also distinct, then the
two 77127712
aaequal numbers must be of the forms and ,21ii
aaSince the number games played up to the ith day is = , we conclude
that on the days ,21ii
jji,,1,2,, the chess master played a total of 21 games.
1,2,,200Example 1.6. Given 101 integers from there are at least two
integers such that one of them is divisible by the other.
Proof. By factoring out as many 2\'s as possible, we see that any
integer can be written in the form k2,a,where and a is odd. The number a
can be one of the 100 numbers k,0
Thus among the 101 integers chosen, two of them must have the same
a\'s when they 1,3,,199
rsare written in the form, say, and with . If r < s, then the first
one divides the 2,a2,ars, second. If r > s, then the second one divides the first Example 1.7
(Chines Remainder Theorem). Let m and n be relatively prime positive
,xam,mod,,,has a solution. Then thesystem,ybn,mod,,,,
mnProof. We may assume that< and < . Let us consider the n integers
mEach of these integers has remainder a when divided by . Suppose
that two of them had the
rnsame remainder when divided by . Let the two numbers be and ,
where jma,ima,
qq<. Then there are integers and such that jn,,10,iji
qnr,qnr,= and = jma,ima,ji
Subtracting the first equation from the second, we have
=qqn, jim,,,,,ji
Since gcd= 1, we conclude that nji, Note that 0 mn,,,,, ncontradiction. Thus the integers have distinct amamanma,,2,,1,,,,,, nnremainders when divided by 0,1,2,,1n,. That is, each of the numbers occur as a remainder. In particular, the number does. Let be the integer with pb n01,,,pn such that the number has remainder b when divided by . Then xpma,, xxqnb,,qnb,for some integer ,. So = and has the required property. xpma,,q 2 Pigeonhole Principle: Strong Form qqq,,,Theorem 2.1. Let be positive integers. If 12n qqqn,,,,,1 12n nqobjects are put into boxes, then either the 1st box contains at least objects, or the 2nd box 1 qqcontains at least objects,, the nth box contains at least objects. 2n q,1Proof. Suppose it is not true, that is, the th box contains at most objects, = iii n. Then the total number of objects contained in the boxes can be at most 1,2,,n ,qqqn,,,, qqq,,,,,,111,,,,,,12n12n which is one less than the number of objects distributed. This is a contradiction. The simple form of the pigeonhole principle is obtained from the strong form by taking qqq,,,,2 12n Then qqqn,,,,+1= = 21nn,,n,112n In elementary mathematics the strong form of the pigeonhole principle is most often applied in the qqqr,,,,special case when . In this case the principle becomes: 12n rn, If objects are put into boxes, then at least one of the boxes contains or nr,,11,, more of the objects. Equivalently, aaa,,,n, If the average of nonnegative integers is greater than ,
aaa,,,12n> r,1n
rthen at leats one of the integers is greater than or equal to .
Example 2.1. A basket of fruit is being arranged out of apples,
bananas, and oranges. What is the smallest number of pieces of fruit
that should be put in the basket in order to guarantee that either there
are at least 8 apples or at least 6 bananas or at least 9 oranges?
,Answer: 8 + 6 + 9 3 + 1 = 21.
Example 2.2. Given two disks, one smaller than the other. Each disk
is divided into 200 congruent sectors. In the larger disk 100 sectors
are chosen arbitrarily and painted red; the other 100 sectors are
painted blue. In the smaller disk each sector is painted either red or
blue with no stipulation on the number of red and blue sectors. The
smaller disk is placed on the larger disk so that the centers and
sectors coincide. Show that it is possible to align the two disks so
that the number of sectors of the smaller disk whose color matches the
corresponding sector of the larger disk is at least 100. Proof. We fix
the larger disk first then place the smaller disk on the top of the
larger disk so that the centers and sectors coincide. There 200 ways to
place the smaller disk in such a manner. For each such alignment, some
sectors of the two disks may have the same color. Since each sector of
the smaller disk will match the same color sector of the larger disk 100
times among all the 200 ways and there are 200 sectors in the smaller
disk, the total number of matched color sectors 10020020,000,,among the 200 ways is Note that there are only 200
ways. Then there is at
20,000least one way that the number of matched color sectors is ,100
or more. 200
2aaa,,,Example 2.3. Show that every sequence of n,1 real numbers
contains either 212n,1
an increasing subsequence of length or a decreasing subsequence of
length . n,1n,1Proof. Suppose there is no increasing subsequence of
length . We suffices to show that there n,1
must be a decreasing subsequence of length . n,1
laLet be the length of the longest increasing subsequence which
begins with , kk
2. Since it is assumed that there is no increasing subsequence of
length , we 11,,,knn,1
1,,lnhave for all . By the strong form of the pigeonhole principle,
of the kn,1k
2lll,,,integers must be equal, say, n,1212n,1
lll,,, kkk,112n
2aa,kkkkwhere << < . If there is one such that , n,21,,1,,in,,kki12n,1ii,1
lathen any increasing subsequence of length beginning with will
result a subsequence k,1kii,1
l,1aallof length beginning with by adding in the front; so > ,
which is k,1kkkk,1iiiii
llcontradictory to =. Thus we must have kk,1ii
aaa,,, kkk1211,,n
which is a decreasing subsequence of length . n,1
(美)Richard A. Brualdi Introductory Combinatorics (Third Edition)
America Prentice Hall 2002 年1月