一.Syllabuses for Geometry and Topology
Curves and surfaces
1) Plane curves and space curves
2) The fundamental theorem of curves
3) Concept and examples of surfaces
4) The first and second fundamental forms
5) Normal curvature, principal curvature and the Gauss curvature
6) Orthogonal moving frames and structure equations of surfaces
7) Existence and uniqueness of surfaces
8) Isometric transformation of surfaces
9) Covariant derivatives on surfaces
10) Geodesic curvatures and geodesics, Geodesic coordinates
11) The Gauss-Bonnet formula
12) Laplacian operator on surfaces
Geometry on manifolds
1) Manifolds
2) Vector fields and differentials
3) Tensors and differential forms
4) Stokes formula
5) De Rham theorem
6) Lie derivatives
7) Lie algebras
8) Maurer-Cartan equations
9) Vector bundles