AMC10美国数学竞赛讲义全AMC 中的数论问题1:Remember the prime between 1 to 100:2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 91 2:Perfect number:Let is the prime 21p - is also the prime number. then1(21)2p p --is the perfect number. For example:6,28,496.3: Let ,0n abc a =≠ is three digital integer .if 333n a b c =++Then the number n is called Daffodils number . There are only four numbers: 153 370 371 407 Let ,0n abcd a =≠ is four digital integer .if 4444d n a b c +=++Then the number n is called Roses number . There are only three numbers: 1634 8208 94744:The Fundamental Theorem of ArithmeticEvery natural number can be written as a product of primes uniquely up to order.5:Suppose that a and b are integers with b =0. Then there exists unique integers q a d such that 0 ≤ < |b| a d a = bq + .6:(1)G eatest Commo D v so : Let gcd (a, b) = max {d ∈ Z: d | a a d d | b}. For any integers a and b, we havegcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a) = gcd(±a, ±b) = gcd(a, b ? a) = gcd(a, b + a). For example: gcd(150, 60) = gcd(60, 30) = gcd(30, 0) = 30(2)Least commo mult le:Let lcm(a,b)=m {d∈Z: a | d a d b | d }. (3)We have that: ab= gcd(a, b) lcm(a,b) 7:Congruence modulonIf ,0a b mq m -=≠,then we call a congruence b modulo m and we rewritemod a b m ≡.(1)Assume a b c d m Z 0 m 0 .If a b mod m c d mod m then we havemod a c b d m ±≡± , mod ac bd m ≡ , mod k k a b m ≡(2) The equat o ax ≡ b (mod m) has a solut o f a d o ly f gcd(a, m) d v des b.8:How to find the unit digit of some special integers (1)How many zero at the end of !nFor example, when 100n =, Let N be the number zero at the end of 100!then14525125N
=++=+=(2) ,,a n Z ∈Find the unit digit n a . For example, when 100,3n a ==9:Palindrome, such as 83438, is a number that remains the same when its digits are are some number not only palindrome but 2 2 ,222 , (1)Some special palindrome n that 2n is also palindrome. Forexample :222222322345678987654321
(3) {}()#:,gcd(,)1()()()t t r r rr rr t t n a N a n a n p p p p p p φ---=∈≤==---For example: 2(12)(23)(21)(11)6χχ=?=++= 22(12)(23)(122)(13)28δδ=?=+++= 22(12)(23)(22)(31)4φφ=?=--= Exercise1. The sums of three whole numbers taken in pairs are 12, 17, and 19. What is the middle number?(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7(E) 83. For the positive integer n, let denote the sum of all the positive divisors of n with the exception of n itself. For example,<4>=1+2=3 and <12>=1+2+3+4+6=16. What is <<<6>>>?(A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 24 (D) 32 (E) 36 8. What is the sum of all integer solutions to 21<(x-2)<25? (A) 10 (B) 12(C) 15(D) 19(E) 5(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 10(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 515.The figures 123,,F F F and 4F shown are the first in a sequence of figures. For
3n ≥, n F is constructed from -1n F by surrounding it with a square and placing one more diamond on each side of the newsquare than -1n F had on each side of its outside square. For example, figure 3F has 13 diamonds. How many diamonds arethere in figure 20F ?18. Positive integers a, b, and c are randomly and independently selected with replacement from the set {1, 2, 3,…, 2010}.What is the probability that abc ab a ++ is divisible by 3? (A)13(B)2981(C)3181(D)1127(E)132724. Let ,a b and c be positive integers with >>a b c such that 222-b -c +=2011a ab and222+3b +3c -3-2-2=-1997a ab ac bc . What is a ?(A) 249 (B) 250 (C) 251 (D) 252 (E)2535. In multiplying two positive integers a and b, Ron reversed the digits of the two-digit number a. His erroneous product was161. What is the correct value of the product of a and b?(A) 116 (B) 161 (C) 204 (D) 214 (E) 224 23. What is the hundreds digit of 20112011?(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 99. A palindrome, such as 83438, is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. The numbers x and x+32 arethree-digit and four-digit palindromes, respectively. What is the sum of the digits of x?(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23 (E) 2421. The polynomial 322010x ax bx -+- has three positive integer zeros. What is the smallest possible value of a?(A) 78 (B) 88 (C) 98 (D) 108 (E) 11824. The number obtained from the last two nonzero digits of 90! Is equal to n. What is n?(A) 12 (B) 32 (C) 48 (D) 52 (E) 6825. Jim starts with a positive integer n and creates a sequence of numbers. Each successive number is obtained bysubtracting the largest possible integer square less than or equal to the current number until zero is reached. For example, ifJim starts with n=55, then his sequence contain 5 numbers:55 55-72= 6 6-22= 2 2-12
1(1)2n n n ds na -=+If n=2k, then we have 1()n k k s k a a +=+ If n=2k+1, then we have 1n k s na += Geometric sequence123123n n n n m n m a a q a q a q a q ----=====1(1)1,1n n a q q s q-≠=-Some special sequence , , 2, 3, 5, ,… 9,99,999,9999,… 1,11,111,1111,… Exercise4 .When Ringo places his marbles into bags with 6 marbles per bag, he has 4 marbles left over. When Paul does the samewith his marbles, he has 3 marbles left over. Ringo and Paul pool their marbles and place them into as many bags aspossible, with 6 marbles per bag. How many marbles will be left over?7 For a science project, Sammy observed a chipmunk and a squirrel stashing acorns in holes. The chipmunk hid 3 acorns ineach of the holes it dug. The squirrel hid 4 acorns in each of the holes it dug. They each hid the same number of acorns,although the squirrel needed 4 fewer holes. How many acorns did the chipmunk hide?21. Four distinct points are arranged on a plane so that the segments connecting them have lengths ,,,,, and . What is the ratioof to ?13. An iterative average of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is computed the following way. Arrange the five numbers in someorder. Find the mean of the first two numbers, and then find the mean of that with the third number, then the mean of that withthe fourth number, and finally the mean of that with the fifth number. What is the difference between the largest and smallestpossible values that can be obtained using this procedure?
16. Three runners start running simultaneously from the same point on a 500-meter circular track. They each run clockwisearound the course maintaining constant speeds of 4.4, 4.8, and 5.0 meters per second. The runners stop once they are alltogether again somewhere on the circular course. How many seconds do the runners run?24. Let ,a b and c be positive integers with >>a b c such that 222-b -c +=2011a ab and222+3b +3c -3-2-2=-1997a ab ac bc . What is a ?(A) 249 (B) 250(C) 251(D) 252(E) 2531. What is246135135246++++-++++? (A) -1 (B) 536(C) 712(D)14760(E)43310. Consider the set of numbers {1, 10, 102, 103(010)}. The ratio of the largest element of the set to the sum of the other ten elements of the set is closest to which integer?(A) 1 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11 (E) 101=(A) -64 (B) -24 (C) -9 (D) 24 (E) 5764. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + + …+ 00. Y= 2 + + + …+ 02. What is the value of YX -?(A) 92 (B) 98 (C) 100 (D) 102 (E) 1127. Which of the following equations does NOT have a solution?(A) 2(7)0x +=(B) -350x += 20=
80= (E) -340x -=(A)(B)(C)2(D) (E) 613. What is the sum of all the solutions of 2602x x x =--?(A) 32 (B) 60 (C) 92 (D) 120 (E) 12414. The average of the numbers 1, 2, 3… 9 , 99, and x is 100x. What is x?(A)49101(B)50101(C)12 (D)51101(E)509911. The length of the interval of solutions of the inequality 23a x b ≤+≤ is is b-a?(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20 (E) 3013. Angelina drove at an average rate of 80 kph and then stopped 20 minutes for gas. After the stop, she drove at an averagerate of 100 kph. Altogether she drove 250 km in a total trip time of 3 hours including the stop. Which equation could be used tosolve for the time t in hours that she drove before her stop? (A) 880100()2503t t +-=(B) 80250t = (C) 100250t =(D) 90250t =(E) 880()1002503
t t -+=21. The polynomial 32-2010x ax bx +- has three positive integer zeros. What is the smallest possible value of a?(A) 78 (B) 88 (C) 98 (D) 108 (E) 118 15.When a bucket is two-thirds full of water, the bucket and water weigh the bucket is one-half full of water the total weight is kilograms. In terms of and , what is the total weight in kilogramswhen the bucket is full of water?13.Suppose thatand. Which of the following is equal tofor every pair of integers16.Let ,,, and be real numbers with,, and. What is the sum of all possible values of5. Which of the following is equal to the 481242004n n +? (A) 251(B) 502(C) 1004(D) 2008 (E) 40167. The fraction 27220052(3)(3)(3)(3)-- simplifies to which of the following? (A) 1 (B) 9/4 (C) 3 (D) 9/2 (E) 913. Doug can paint a room in 5 hours. Dave can paint the same room in 7 hours. Doug and Dave paint the room together andtake a one-hour break for lunch. Let t be the total time, in hours, required for them to complete the job working together,including lunch. Which of the following equations is satisfied by t ?(A) 11()(1)157t ++=(B) 11()1157t ++= (C) 11()157t +=(D) 11
portion of the cube is placed on a table with the cut surface face down. What is the height of this object?24.The keystone arch is an ancient architectural feature. It is composed of congruent isosceles trapezoids fitted togetheralong the non-parallel sides, as shown. Thebottom sides of the two end trapezoids are an arch made with trapezoids, let be the anglemeasure in degrees of the larger interior angle of thetrapezoid. What is ?10. Mary divides a circle into 12 sectors. The central angles of these sectors, measured in degrees, are all integers and theyform an arithmetic sequence. What is the degree measure of the smallest possible sector angle?11. Externally tangent circles with centers at points A and B have radii of lengths 5 and 3, respectively. A line externallytangent to both circles intersects ray AB at point C. What is BC?