


AA rough,

cindery lavaAB abdominal muscle AD advertisementAE oneAG pert.

to agricultureAH to exclaim in amazementAI three-toed slothAL East Indian treeAM [be-conj] (to exist)AN indefinite articleAR letter \'r\'AS to the same degreeAT in the location ofAW intj.

expressing disbeliefAX to cut with an axAY ayeBA eternal soul in Egyptian mythology BE to existBI bisexualBO palBY side issueDE of,

fromDO to execute/first tone of musical scaleED education {OSPD3}EF letter \'f\' EH intj.

used to indicate lack of understandingEL letter \'l\'EM printer\'s measurementEN printer\'s measurementER intj.

expressing hesitationES letter \'s\'ET [eat-conj] (to consume)EX letter \'x\'FA fourth tone of diatonic musical scale FE Hebrew letter (feh,

pe) {OSPD4}GO to leave/Japanese board gameHA sound expressing triumphHE male personHI intj.

used as a greetingHM intj.

expressing thought (hmm)HO intj.

used to attract attention to somethingID part of psyche related to instinctual impulses IF possible conditionIN influenceIS [be-conj] (to exist)IT person playing tag/indefinite pronounJO sweetheart KA Egyptian spiritual self KI vital life-sustaining energy force (qi) {OSPD4}LA sixth tone of diatonic musical scaleLI Chinese unit of distanceLO intj.

used to attract attentionMA mother ME pronoun referring to myselfMI third tone of diatonic musical scaleMM intj.

expressing satisfactionMO momentMU Greek letterMY possessive prounounNA no NE born with the name of (nee)NO negative replyNU Greek letterOD hypothetical force of natural power OE Faroean windOF coming fromOH to exclaim \"oh\"OI intj.

expressing dismay (oy) {OSPD4}OM mantra used in meditationON side of wicket where cricket batsman standsOP style of abstract artOR heraldic color goldOS orifice/bone/ridge of sand (esker)OW intj.

expressing sudden painOX hoofed mammal/clumsy personOY intj.

expressing dismayPA father PE Hebrew letterPI Greek letter/to jumbleQI vital life-sustaining energy force {OSPD4}RE second tone of diatonic musical scale SH intj.

used to urge silence (shh) SI seventh tone of diatonic musical scale (ti)SO fifth tone of diatonic musical scaleTA thanks TI seventh tone of diatonic musical scaleTO towardUH intj.

expressing hesitation UM intj.

expressing hesitationUN oneUP to raiseUS objective pronoun for \"we\"UT musical tone in French solmization systemWE plural pronoun WO woeXI Greek letter XU Vietnamese monetary unitYA you YE youYO intj.

used to call attention {OSPD3}ZA pizza {OSPD4}
