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Aerial transformer magnetizing inrush current analysis and related applications 空投变压器的励磁涌流分析及相关应用

Wavelet Transform Applied to Identifying Magnetizing Inrush Current and Internal Fault Current 小波变换在励磁涌流和短路电流识别中的应用

The Effect of Pro-magnetization at Restraining Inrush Current for Switching-in No-Load Transformer 预充磁在抑制变压器空载合闸励磁涌流中的作用

The experimental results show that the operation is stable and may be used to complete the synchronized-closing of capacitor banks in order to limit the transient over-voltage and inrush current. 结果表明,相控真空断路器动作分散性小,可以有效地完成电容器组的同步关合,大幅度降低系统暂态过电压、减小涌流。

Wavelet Algorithm be Used to Distinguish Transformer Inrush Current and Internal Fault Current 小波算法在电力变压器励磁涌流与内部故障电流的鉴别中的应用

Analysis on Current Compensation Methods and Research on Scheme for Block of Inrush Current in Transformer Differential Protection 变压器差动保护中补偿方式分析及涌流闭锁方案的研究

Simulative Research on Restricting Inrush Current of Back-to-Back Converter Station by Controlled Switching 采用相控关合技术限制背靠背换流站涌流的仿真研究

Selecting other values allows the circuit to accommodate any duration of inrush current you apply to a load. 选择其它值可以使电路容纳适用于负载的任何时限的涌电流。

A Simulation Study for Magnetizing Inrush Current of Transformers on Account of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis 考虑铁磁磁滞的变压器励磁涌流仿真分析

Study on Inrush Current and Stead-State Operation Simulation of the Scott Transformer with Secondary Midpoint Drawn-Out 中抽式Scott变压器励磁涌流与稳态仿真研究

NONLINEAR DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS CAUSED BY HYSTERESIS OF THE GIANT MAGNETOSTRICTIVE TRANSDUCER Misoperation of Transformer Differential Protection by Inrush Current 超磁致伸缩换能器的磁滞非线性动力学仿真浅析变压器励磁涌流引起的差动保护误动

A novel theory based on wave form longitudinal symmetry is proposed to identify inrush current and fault current. 该原理首先计算一周波差流波形的上下对称系数,然后根据上下对称系数鉴别涌流和故障。

The Impact of MOA-based Fault Current Limiter on Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current ZnO避雷器式故障限流器对变压器励磁涌流的影响分析

Study on the Mathod of Transformer Inrush Current Inhibition Based on Estmated Flux in Core before Reclosing 基于合闸前铁心内磁通估计的变压器涌流抑制方法研究

Simulation Research on Transformer Inrush Current in Consideration of Remnant Magnetic Flux 计及剩磁的变压器励磁涌流的仿真研究

This paper proposes a new method of using the principle of dead angle combined with the fuzzy degree of nearness to identify the short circuit current and inrush current of transformers. 本文提出了一种利用波形间断角原理和模糊贴近度原理相结合识别励磁涌流的新方法。

Soft transient control reduces inrush current and audio noise. 软瞬态浪涌电流控制和降低音频噪声。

This article discusses the differential protection malfunction of transformers with no-load Input caused by, analyzes the emergence, hazards and characteristics of excitation inrush current. 论述了变压器空载投入时差动保护误动作原因是由励磁涌流引起的,分析了励磁涌流的产生、危害及其特点。

Scheme for Second Harmonic Block of Magnetizing Inrush Current in Transformers Based on Fuzzy Logic 基于模糊逻辑的变压器励磁涌流二次谐波闭锁方案

Using the two-out-of-three principle which is based on the integrated membership grade, this new algorithm improves the reliability of transformer protection in blocking inrush current. 在此基础上,提出基于综合隶属度的三取二原则方式来识别涌流,提高了变压器差动保护励磁涌流闭锁的可靠性。

Research for Inrush Current and Internal Fault of Transformers based on Digital Simulation of ATP 基于ATP数字仿真的变压器励磁涌流和内部故障的研究

The difference between inrush current and short-circuit current is the focus of electrical specialist. 如何区分变压器励磁涌流和短路电流是众多学者研究的热点问题之一。

So far, the core problem of transformer differential protection is still how to precisely identify the magnetizing inrush current. 迄今,变压器差动保护的核心问题仍然是如何准确识别励磁涌流。

Misoperation of Transformer Differential Protection by Inrush Current 浅析变压器励磁涌流引起的差动保护误动

Discrimination between Inrush Current and Internal Fault Current by Power Factor 基于变压器功率因数对励磁涌流和内部故障电流的识别

Recognition of Transformer Inrush Current and Fault Current Based on Wavelet Packet and LS-SVM 基于小波包和LS-SVM的变压器励磁涌流与短路电流识别方法

To avoid over-shoot and inrush current problems, the design of our inverter have soft-startup. 为避免尖峰和冲击电流问题,逆变器设计有软启动。

A Novel Method to Rapidly Identify Inrush Current and Internal Fault Current Based on Variation Characteristic of Fundamental Current Amplitude 利用基波幅值变化特征快速识别励磁涌流和故障电流

Inrush current restraint scheme of power transformer differential protection Under excited reactive ampere limit ( URAL). 变压器差动保护的励磁涌流制动方法欠励磁无功电流限制(URAL)。

This paper proposes a novel method of suppressing the inrush current of transformers. 提出了抑制变压器冲击电流的新方法。


inrush current