网络依梦; 承德平泉希翼; 镜检查; 平泉希翼
Wuxia fault belt in the eastern part of northwestern margin of Junggar basin is an important part in the thrust belt of the northwestern margin. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERS OF THE FAULT UGE IN THE EAST SECTION OF NORTHERN EDGE OF WESTERN QINLING MOUNTAIN 乌夏断裂带位于准噶尔盆地西北缘的东部,是西北缘冲断带的一个重要组成部分。西秦岭北缘断裂带东段断层泥的粒度分布和显微构造特征
Grain size distribution and microstructure characters of the fault uge in the east section of northern edge of western Qinling Mountain 西秦岭北缘断裂带东段断层泥的粒度分布和显微构造特征
I can't believe I got this uge zit the day before the prom. 我不敢相信在毕业舞会的前一天,我长了这么大一颗青春痘。
It has become one of the most important construction material and the market requirement is(?) uge. 我国建筑涂料已进入快速发展的新时期,涂料已成为重要的建筑材料之一,有着巨大的市场需求。
Early since the end of 1960s cold water has started to be stored in winter for summer use and warm water in summer for winter uge. 早在60年代末,上海利用地下含水层冬季贮存冷水,夏季抽用;
Uge potentiality of biological resourcesexploitation; 生物资源开发潜力巨大;
Nan ′ an District of Chongqing is taken as an example to study the influence of human construction activities on the urban geomorphologic environment ( UGE), IICC ( Investing Intensity of Capital Construction) is introduced to quantify the fragility resulted from construction. 以重庆市南岸区为例分析人类造貌营力,即人类建筑活动对城市地貌环境的影响;引入基本建设投资强度对其导致的城市地貌环境脆弱性进行量化;