摘要...............................................................................................................................................II 绪论. (1)
一、选题缘由 (1)
(一)挖掘数学文化价值的迫切需要 (1)
(二)数学历史故事的育人价值 (2)
(三)数学教学中文化价值缺失的现状 (4)
二、研究意义 (4)
(一)理论意义 (5)
(二)实践意义 (5)
三、文献综述 (5)
(一)国外研究现状 (5)
(二)国内研究现状 (8)
(三)研究评述 (12)
四、研究方法 (13)
(一)文献分析法 (13)
(二)文本分析法 (13)
(三)问卷调查法 (13)
(四)访谈调查法 (14)
五、研究思路 (14)
第一章数学历史故事及其在小学数学教学中的应用概述 (15)
一、数学历史故事的内涵 (15)
二、数学历史故事在小学数学教学中应用的理论基础 (16)
(一)历史重演说 (16)
(二)皮亚杰的认知理论 (17)
(三)维果茨基的社会文化理论 (18)
三、小学数学历史故事的基本体系 (19)
(一)人教版小学数学教材中的数学史内容 (19)
(二)与小学数学知识相关的数学历史故事 (20)
四、数学历史故事在小学数学教学中的应用价值 (23)
(一)引起学生的学习热情和学习动机 (23)
(二)帮助学生理解和掌握数学知识 (24)
(三)培养学生的数学情感和学习意志 (25)
(四)培养学生的爱国情操和国际视野 (26)
第二章小学数学教学中数学历史故事的应用现状 (28)
一、调查设计与实施 (28)
(一)调查目的 (28)
(二)调查方法与调查对象 (28)
(三)调查问卷的编制 (29)
(四)数据收集与统计 (30)
二、调查结果与成因分析 (30)
(一)调查数据的初步分析 (30)
(二)调查折射出的问题 (40)
(三)问题的成因 (41)
第三章小学数学教学中数学历史故事的应用策略 (44)
一、精心选用数学历史故事 (44)
(一)切题性和适度性相统一 (44)
(二)真实性与吸引性相统一 (44)
(三)知识性与思想性相统一 (45)
二、合理把握应用时机 (45)
(一)情境导入时呈现故事,引人入胜 (46)
(二)探究问题时嵌入故事,启迪思维 (46)
(三)课堂小结时融入故事,意犹未尽 (47)
三、追求多元应用方式 (47)
(一)借助动画观故事 (48)
(二)借助数学剧演故事 (48)
(三)借助数学阅读悟故事 (49)
四、提供多重有力保障 (50)
(一)重视自我提升,教师主动阅读数学史书籍并合理利用 (50)
(二)调整评价取向,在考试中适当渗透数学史 (50)
(三)加强研讨交流,共享应用数学历史故事的教学智慧 (51)
结语 (53)
参考文献 (54)
附录 (58)
附录Ⅰ数学历史故事在小学数学教学中的应用现状调查问卷 (58)
附录Ⅱ数学历史故事在小学数学教学中的应用现状访谈提纲 (62)
致谢 (63)
In recent years,research about mathematical culture has been emerging endlessly,and the study of mathematical history is a very essential part of it.For primary school students,the history of mathematics is mainly reflected in hundred of mathematical historical stories.In view of the urgent need to excavate the value of mathematics culture,the educational value of mathematical historical stories and the demand of improving the present situation of the lack of cultural value in mathematics
teaching,it is very necessary to study the application of mathematical historical stories in primary school teaching.
This thesis is divided into three chapters:
The first chapter is about mathematical historical stories and its application value in primary school mathematics teaching.A mathematical historical story,that is,a story that contains the context,development,circulation and evolution of mathematical knowledge,or a story that embodies mathematical values,mathematical ideas,mathematical wisdom,and mathematical methods in historical events,or a story that occurs between a mathematician or celebrity in history and mathematics,but also some historical stories created to enhance the understanding of knowledge.Mathematical historical stories has great educational value,it has great advantages in promoting the development of non-intelligence factors of primary school students,helping them to understand and master mathematics knowledge,and cultivating their patriotic sentiment and international vision.
The second chapter is about the present situation investigation of mathematical historical stories'application in elementary school mathematics teaching.This paper adopts"questionnaire star"t
o involve many elementary school mathematics teachers in Jinan in questionnaire,and carries on the result statistics and analysis after recycling.It is found that the application of mathematics historical stories in primary school mathematics teaching at present has some problems,such as the difference between concept and practice,the lack of integration time,and the single way of application and so on.The reasons for these problems were analyzed in combination with the results of the interview.The main causes of these problems are:unable to do what one hopes to do——lack of teachers'own attainment;unspeakable imprisonment——pressure of examination-oriented education;skillful women can not cook without rice——lack